“For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, …ye might well
bear with him.” 2Cor.11:4 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto
you than that which we have preached unto yo
u, let him be accursed. ”


The scriptures are warning us that we need to be careful about what we preach and believe,
because preaching a person calling his name Jesus (while preaching another Jesus that was not
preached by the Apostles and prophets of God) cannot save us from being deceived and deceiving,
unless we preach and believe the true existing Jesus as the Apostles preached. Another Jesus that
many people preach today does not exist in heaven or on earth; he only exists in their minds, in
their books and literature written by themselves. My dear friend, which God do you serve? The
God who was manifested in the flesh, which was made of the word or which was made of dust?

1.What does the Bible say about the origin of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ?

  • Human flesh is made of dust. Ps103: 14 Gen 2: 7 but the flesh of Jesus is the Word thatwas made flesh. John1: 14.
  • The flesh of the first man is from the earth but the flesh of the second man is fromheaven, here we can see that the difference is not small but it is far as heaven andearth.1Cor15: 47. Not discerning the Lord’s body will bring damnation into our life.1Cor11: 29.
  • Since the Word was made flesh, Jesus said His flesh is the bread of life, which camedown from heaven, but He never said that His flesh is from the earth as the first man was. John 6:51.
  • Eternal redemption cannot be obtained by the blood of goats and calves; those are madeof the dust but only by His own blood (Christ’s blood) not by our human blood. Hebrew 9:12
  • We reconciled by His flesh (the Word made flesh) not by our human flesh.Col.1: 21.
  • We have got redemption through his blood not by our human blood.Eph.1:7
  • The type of blood we believe is very important because God does not redeem us by our human blood but by His own blood. Act 20:28.
  • Human blood cannot cleanse us from our sin but” … the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”1John 1:7.
  • Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things…But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:” 1Peter1:
  • 18-19.
  • Even though human blood circulates in our entire body all the time, yet it does not have the power to purge our conscience. Because of this fact, we need the blood of Christ, which was offered through the eternal spirit with out spot, to purge our conscience from our dead works so that we can be able to serve the Living God. Hebrews 9:14.

2.The Bible clearly tells us that the flesh of Jesus Christ was the Same before and after death (resurrection).

  • The body, which was raised, was same body that was crucified. Mark16: 6,Matt 28:5&6.
  • The Bible does not say that the body of Jesus was changed after death but raised. Luke 24:3&6.
  • Jesus promised to raise His dead body not another body. John 2:19.
  • If the same dead body of Christ was not raised, Christianity does not have any assurance for its belief. Acts17: 31
  • God gave prophecy through Isaiah that He will raise His dead body. Isa. 26:19
  • Jesus showed to His disciples and Thomas the same body, which was crucified. John20: 27.
  • Jesus showed three of His disciples the marvellous glory of His body on the mount of transfiguration (even) before His death. Matt.17: 1-8
  • The one in heaven is the same body, which was dead not another body.Rev.1: 18.

3.The word glorified does not imply in the Bible to say that the body of
Jesus was changed after His death, because Jesus was glorified before His
death, after His resurrection and He shall be glorified on His second coming
together with us.

  • If the word glorified has connection with changing the flesh of Jesus then we could say
    that the flesh of Jesus was changed before His death because the Bible tells us that Jesus
    was glorified before His death. John 13:31.
  • If the word glorified has connection with changing the flesh of Jesus then we could say
    that the flesh of Jesus will be changed again some time in the future. Because the Bible
    tells us, that He is going to be glorified together with us. Rom 8:17.
  • If the word glorified has connection with changing of flesh, the Bible says that the saints
    are glorified; does it mean our flesh is already changed? Rom.8: 30.
  • The word glorified is “doxazo” in Greek, which means glorify, honour, have glory,
    magnify, make glorious and full of glory but there is no one meaning that refers to
    changing of flesh or body.
    4.Why Jesus Christ came into this world? Did he come to know or humanity?
  • According to the word of God, God was manifest in the flesh to reconcile the world with
    Himself but not in order to know our human feeling and weaknesses that He did not know
    before He was manifest in the flesh, (God did not come to this world because He did not
    know what we actually feel as human) .2Cor.5: 19.
  • The reason that Jesus came into the world was not to know our human feelings and
    weaknesses but to destroy the works of the devil. 1John3: 8
  • According to scriptural evidences Jesus did not come to this world to know our human
    feeling and weaknesses but “…to give his life a ransom for many…” Mark10: 45
  • The Bible does not say even in one verse of scripture that God was manifest in the flesh in
    order to know our human feelings and weaknesses rather He was manifest in the flesh saveus.1Tim1: 15, Hebrew 9:26. God does not need to be anything to Know about something. (He does not need to be lion to know the feelings of lions, angel to know the feelings of angels, bird to know the feelings of birds, man to know the feelings of men, plant to know the feelings of plant, stone to know about stone…etc) just because He is God, He is omniscient (All knowing). John16: 30, Isa40: 26, John21: 17, Jer.1: 5, Hebrew4: 13. If Jesus did not come for the above scriptural reasons (to reconcile, to save us,
    to give his life a ransom for many& to destroy the works of the devil) but If we say “Jesus
    came to this world to Know our human feelings and weaknesses “, then we could say that
    one of the reasons for Jesus to come to this world is, to fill His lack of knowledge. Therefore the teaching that says, “God came into this world to know about the feelings and weaknesses of mankind” is an absolute insult toward the sovereign and all Knowing God. Because the Bible tells us that God is able to “declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times that thing that are not done” Isa46: 9-10. According to this scripture God knows the end of every thing from the beginning even before it comes to pass. What a blasphemy to say that Almighty God did not know our human feeling and weaknesses until He was manifest in the flesh.

5.What we believe about the first man and the second man is vital for our eternal life (salvation), the Bible does not tell us any good that we can receive from the first man that was made of dust.

  • If we believe that Jesus is the first man who was made of dust, then we could say Jesus
    Christ came to bring judgement rather than the free gift. Because the Bible says that the
    first man brings judgement, but the free gift comes only through the second man.
    Rom.5: 18
  • Since there is no dispensation (period of time) in the Bible that human flesh and blood
    were demanded as an acceptable means of atonement for the sin of mankind, preaching
    and believing that God was manifested in human flesh that was made of dust will be
    contrary with the teaching of the word of God and will leave mankind without redeemer.
    The Bible Writers never preached a God who was manifested in human flesh, which
    was made of dust. They preached God who was manifested in the flesh, which was
    the word made flesh. If any one preaches anything which was not preached by them will
    be accursed instead of being saved. Gal.1: 8
  • If we believe that Jesus is the first man who was made of dust then we could say Jesus
    Christ came to bring condemnation unto all men. Because the Bible tells that the first
    man brings condemnation unto all men but justification of life to all men is only through
    the second man. According to the Bible we can’t be justified for everlasting life, If we
    believe that Christ is the first man who was made of dust since the first man brings
    condemnation.Rom.5: 18
  • The type of blood we believe is very important because God does not redeem us by our
    human blood but by His own blood. Act 20:28, Heb 9:11.
  • The hope of our eternal life is not by eating and drinking our human flesh and blood that was made of dust. Jesus said “whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, has eternal life;..” not our human flesh and blood will give us eternal life. John6:54.
  • “18Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things…But
    with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:”
    1Peter1: 18-19. According to this scripture God want us to know that we cannot be
    redeemed with corruptible things. If Jesus had corruptible human blood then there is no
    hope for mankind for redemption.
  • The hope of our eternal life is not by eating and drinking our human flesh and blood that was made of dust. Jesus said “whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, has eternal life;..” not our human flesh and blood will give us eternal life. John6:54.

“PREACH THE WORD!!” Not man made logic.
2Timothy 4:2


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